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Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the dogs.chat moderators.

  1. Behave like a decent person. If you wouldn't say it to someone's face, don't say it here. If that requires further explanation, this server is not for you.
  2. No illegal content, e.g., child pornography, solicitation of illegal services, etc.
  3. No posts or links to content supporting, featuring, or promoting hate groups, terrorism, mass violence, or calls for violence.
  4. No posts or comments supporting or promoting QAnon-related content or similar conspiracy theories. Moderators have sole discretion to decide if a post violates this rule. Birds are real. The Earth is round. Get over it.
  5. No pornographic content of any kind.
  6. No visual content depicting animal abuse. No content supporting, encouraging, promoting, or condoning animal abuse. All other posts related to the discussion of animal abuse (e.g., news stories, current events, historical references, etc.) require a Content Warning.
  7. No posting of malicious links.
  8. No spam. Owners of dog training businesses can promote their services directly (e.g., 'Buy This,' 'Buy Now,' etc.) with one daily post. Posts about free resources (e.g., podcasts, free videos, articles, etc.) without upsells are unrestricted.
  9. No threats, bullying, or attacks on an individual or group.
  10. No accounts that impersonate anyone else. This includes other people as well as other businesses.